Dutch Lady Purefarm | Dutch Lady Strong Start 5-Days Breakfast Challenge
back to my childhood when my mom used to cajole me and my siblings to drink up a glass of milk at least thrice a day. at that time she would tell us that not only would milk make us fair of face and strengthen our teeth but also sharpen our brains and help us do well in our studies.
"superfood” is a popular buzzword these days - and milk stands out as one of the originals. as adults, we are all well acquainted with this idea, but of exactly why that is? i am to share more on this hot-button topic and dive into the details that make this drink a dietary staple for millions of Malaysian, and the results may surprise you.
featuring in today's post is the Dutch Lady Purefarm Milk..:)
About Dutch Lady Milk Industries Berhad (Dutch Lady Malaysia)
incorporated in 1963, Dutch Lady Malaysia is a leading dairy company in Malaysia, owned by one of the largest dairy cooperative companies in the world - Royal FrieslandCampina NV, a Dutch multinational dairy company.
Dutch Lady Malaysia has been spreading the goodness of milk through various product innovations; aims to have milk as part of everyone's life, where it is celebrated not just for its nutritional benefits, but also for the delightful moments of joy, fun and togetherness that milk brings.
Dutch Lady Breakfast Box
special delivery right to your doorstep can indeed put a smile on one's face, especially when it comes to an impromptu delivery. not only it came in a really beautiful box, there was also a warm box of breakfast prepared just for you. how thoughtful of you Dutch Lady Malaysia!!! thank you!!!
so what was all these about? well, Dutch Lady Malaysia is running a campaign called #strongstart #dutchladybreakfastchallenge to encourage Malaysian to start your day strong with protein from milk, simply by pairing your everyday breakfast and complete it with a glass of Dutch Lady PureFarm.
i have taken up this challenge; scroll down to read more about the goodness of Dutch Lady Purefarm Milk and how i paired my breakfast with this tall glass of milk!!!
Goodness of Dutch Lady Purefarm Milk
being inactive, bad postures, eating unhealthy foods, are all factors that can lead to developing symptoms associated with bone density loss. Dutch Lady Purefarm Milk is known for its supreme source of calcium. one serving of full cream milk contains 220mg calcium which is an extremely good amount to help prevent bone damage and deterioration (osteoporosis in adults and rickets in children)
many are aware that milk is rich in calcium. but little did we know, milk contains other essential nutrients that the body cannot generate on its own - such as protein. milk contains high quality protein that plays a major role in various biological processes such as promoting the body to produce enzymes, stimulates muscle building, build cartilage and develop skin tissues.
research shows that protein in Dutch Lady Purefarm Milk contains nine(9) essential amino acids (EAA) and it is easier to digest compared to other source of protein.
hence, consuming milk in the morning will make a lot of difference to our protein intake. just by having a glass of Dutch Lady Purefarm Milk helps you to meet more than 50% of your daily protein intake from having and easy and convenient breakfast.
the Dutch Lady Purefarm Milk is also rich in vitamins that are crucial for metabolism co-factors, oxygen transport and antioxidants:
vitamin A
♥ maintains normal vision
♥ promotes stronger immune system
♥ promotes healthier skin complexion
vitamin B2
♥ convert food into energy - a process crucial for exercising muscles
vitamin D
♥ aids in absorption and utilization of calcium and phosphorous
5 Days Breakfast Challenge
finding out the health benefits of Dutch Lady Purefarm Milk actually have me motivated to drinking more of this good stuff each day!!!
Dutch Lady Purefarm Milk packs quite a punch when it comes to nutrition, it was totally fuss free from preparing complicated or heavy meal to pair with it. my 5 days breakfasts were easily prepped within minutes!!! what an easy way to incorporate Dutch Lady Purefarm Milk to my everyday breakfast!!!
ready for some "instagrammable" breakfast flatlays? scroll down!!!
it is always an extra rushing morning on Monday because it is the time when i could barely drag myself up for work. before i could rant more feeling all blues, Dutch Lady Malaysia was so thoughtful to send me a warm and hearty breakfast!!! saved me so much time from thinking what to eat for breakfast!!!
what's for breakfast?
♥ nasi lemak
♥ a glass of Dutch Lady Purefarm milk
traffics can be very chaotic on a Tuesday morning. so there is not much time spare to prepare for a breakfast, hence i opted for an "instant" breakkie.
what's for breakfast?
♥ honey flavoured cereal with fresh grapes
♥ a glass of Dutch Lady Purefarm milk
you know time flies the slowest during the mid-week. while feeling all demotivated from going to work, cheered myself up with some really colourful fruits platter in the morning.
what's for breakfast?
♥ fresh grapes, kiwi, strawberries and crackers
♥ a glass of Dutch Lady Purefarm milk
ran out of fruits, so instead of having another day of fruity breakfast, i opted for an even lighter choice of breakfast. went all the way greens.
what's for breakfast?
♥ salad bowl
♥ a glass of Dutch Lady Purefarm milk
tgif!!! feeling extra energetic because weekend is on its way!!! put some effort to prepare a pretty and yummy breakfast. in need of more energy to rush all pending works before tgif night arrives.
what's for breakfast?
♥ croissant and hard boiled eggs
♥ a glass of Dutch Lady Purefarm milk
so how do you like my breakfast? does looking at my "instagrammable" breakfast motivates you to start your own breakfast challenge too? even if there isn't one, it is important to start your day with a glass of milk for it is one of the basic of all foods.
milk is an essential part of our diet. as kids, milk used to be one of our least favourite things but now we understand that our mothers’ stressing over drinking milk wasn’t a total waste. seeing ourselves in good shape with a healthy body today, we should have come to a realization that milk has done wonders for our body without us even noticing.
it seems our busy lifestyles cause us to take much for granted. let's pause awhile and remember to reap the goodness of Dutch Lady Purefarm Milk!!!

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