
TAG La | Track Your Misplaced Item in Seconds

by - Sunday, December 23, 2018

we have all been there. we all lose things occasionally. from typical things like car keys to slightly more puzzling items like wallet or purse, asking yourself why you are constantly losing things is exceedingly common. thankfully, technology is moving to fill the breach; it is now possible to track your stuff internationally, and everybody is getting in on apps and miniature devices to track their possessions. 

bluetooth devices can make the hunt for lost items easier and less stressful, and TAG La is your solution..:)

About TAG La

TAG La is a bluetooth tracker, is a small tag that can be attached to keys or inserted into cases or other items that you want to avoid losing. the tags are linked to a smartphone using TAG La tracking service via BLE (Bluetooth Low Energy) and form a radio-based link between you and your possessions.

Front View and Back View of TAG La

Set Up TAG La

setting up TAG La is superb easy and quick. all you need are TAG La App downloaded in your smartphone, a near constant bluetooth communication between TAG La and your smartphone, and a registered TAG La account and you are good to go.


to ensure a success pairing of TAG La and your smartphone, it is important to have your TAG La sitting next to your smartphone. a successful pairing will result an auto-connect to the app. the app takes seconds to download to your smartphone, and walks you through every step of activating your TAG La.

How TAG La Works

to track down your misplaced item, simply launch TAG La app from your smart device, and hit on "Find Me" on the screen. TAG La device immediately respond with a continuous beeping sound. if your lost item is within your hearing range, congrats you have successfully found your lost item!!! now you can stop the beeping sound simply by hitting on "Stop"; or press on the button once from your TAG La device.


unfortunately there are pretty bad times where you could not track down the beeping sound. fret not, as long as the blue icon is visible from your TAG La app, this indicates that the bluetooth is working and your TAG La device is still connecting to TAG La app

you are still able to locate your lost item simply by locating its current location by clicking on the icon in the lower right corner to view item’s last location.


on top of that, just in case you have misplaced your phone instead of the tracking device, TAG La also helps you to easily track down your phone - simply by clicking on TAG La twice and your phone will automatically rings.

TAG La Christmas Edition x Bomb Card

in conjunction with this festive season, TAG La has launched Bomb Card that comes along with its Christmas Edition TAG La; to make this coming Christmas a special one.

My Thought
♥ ♥ 
i would think the Christmas edition TAG La makes a great Christmas gift for the loved ones. not only it comes in a very pretty Christmas-sy design, this Christmas gift can be very practical too especially if you are presenting it to an absent-minded person. 

i find it a great idea to tag it to a key-less car remote as we tend to easily misplaced it since we no longer physically needing it to unlock the car.

Buy Now!!!
2 Christmas Edition TAG La with 2 complimentary Bomb Cards for only RM199.90 
(free shipping)

TAG La Official Website | TAG La Facebook | TAG La Instagram


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