
Butterfly 4th Birthday Party x Jerlynn'L

by - Sunday, May 28, 2017


tracking back to one year ago when i just entered into this community and i could still remember very well the very first event i got invited to was the Rohto Eyedrop event. being a very newbie me almost chicken out from attending that event, but come to think of it now made me feel so glad that i made the decision to go for that event because since then, i have made friends with many new people and get myself slowly exposed into the blogging community. 

and this marks the second year being a part of The Butterfly Project family. throughout this one year i can see how much this community has grow *and still growing!!!*. Butterfly's birthday is a big thing Mamasan has thrown two birthday parties for all of us, and i managed to make myself to the first birthday party on the 29th April at Hello Deer Space, Damansara Uptown.

read further to know what's happening during the birthday bash..:)

what is a birthday party without a theme *right*. we have Jerylnn'L as the main sponsor for the afternoon party, and so our theme was set to yellow dress with flower headbands . i must say all the butterflies were so well-dressed i thought i was kind of under-dressed *sob sob*.

the party started off with an opening speech from our superb cute Mamasan Tammy and then followed by an introductory speech about Jerylnn'L products by Chin Yee.

inspired from a male Chindori bird, Jerylnn'L was created by a father to protect and provide daily care products for his precious children. the founder of Jerylnn'L realised that the best way to protect and care for his children was by creating quality, customised child-safe and paraben free products. by ensuring strict control of materials - from source to production - Jerylnn'L has formulated skin care that not only restore skin health but to protect even before skin problems arise. 

Jerylnn'L is suitable for all age group, it is a product for a complete family, soft enough for babies and rich enough for the adults.

Jerylnn'L products are easily distinguished by the yellow bottles and coloured labels. Jerylnn'L understands that colours is the most attractive element to children. thus there are three(3) colours to guide children on the usage; BLUE for body use, GREEN for hair use, and RED for red alert - which required adult's supervision when using.

right after the speeches, it was unboxing time!!! not just an ordinary unboxing, all of us were asked to do social media unboxing, whether FB live, IG live, or IG story, in short in any way to show the world our unboxing *LOL*. well, no doubt the pretty packaging does deserves to be shown to everyone..:D

what we got is the Signature Collection which protects from head to toe. the Signature Collection is one of a kind as it contains 4x more Ceramide III which helps to attract and retain moisture in the skind and improves skin elasticity. the Signature Collection comprises of:

BLUE - Body Wash Plants & Herbs Extract (500ml)
♥ BLUE - Daily Moisture Lotion Plants & Herbs Extract (100ml)
♥ GREEN - Hair Wash Scalp Care (300ml)
♥ GREEN - Hair Conditioner & Detangler Plants Extract (100ml)
♥ RED - Face Moisture Soothing Cream (50ml)
♥ RED - Bug No More (100ml)

Plants & Herbs Extract, is one of the main ingredients in Jerylnn'L products. it consists of ingredients from natural plants that provides calmness physically and mentally. highest grade of essential oil was used to bring out the fragrance, where children can also use it without harm.

Fruits and Veges provides the refreshing sensation and is fortified with Ceramide III that helps to promote long-term moisturisation and protect skin from harmful external irritations. it also plays a major role in water retention of skin cells. 

Bug No More is the top selling product of Jerylnn'L. it contains natural extract from Citronella, Spearmint, Basil, Lavender and Rosemary to help preventing bug or insect bites. Bug No More comes with natural lemongrass fragrance and non-sticky to skin with effect lasts for 3 hours. it also contains Allantoin which acts as anti-irritant agents, at the same time to smoothen the skin and promote wound healing. 

even the birthday cake is so cheerful and into the theme. none of us cut the cake because it indirectly became one of our props for an Instagram worthy shots. 

the unboxing ended just in time before the whole Hello Deer space went into a blackout. we were eating in the dark and the only light source we have was probably the sunlight coming in from the main window.

the ten(10) best dressed butterflies were also waking away with another sets of Jerylnn'L products. told you i was very under-dressed, look at them came well prepared they deserved the best dressed title, congratulations!!!

we also have Grace dressed as Belle and Rawlins as Maleficent to join the party!!!

with Tehmina and Sydney

with Eros and Anis

with SinNee and PuiSan

with the fabulous Mamasan Tammy

and to this crazy and fun bunch of team for hosting us to such an awesome birthday party.

it was indeed an afternoon well spent with all the butterflies

enjoy 20% off with purchase of any normal price items and experience Hand Paraffin Treatment (worth RM107) by showing the unique code "Jerlynn17" to the personal care consultant at any Jerlynn'L outlet

Jerylnn'L Official Website | Jerylnn'L Facebook Page

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2 response(s) received

  1. Hey Emily, was nice meeting you at the Party :)

    1. hey mira, sorry if i didn't say hi, i am very bad in recognizing..:( do say hi when we meet in the next event ya!!!..:)
