
Nom Nom Nom at Nu Sentral

by - Sunday, May 07, 2017


in conjunction of Nu Sentral's third year operating as the first transumer (transit consumer) lifestyle mall, Nu Sentral collaborated with their prominent F&B tenants for a day of food-filled fun treat for their media partners and bloggers.

the F&B outlets ranges from those who features local food such as Aroma Village, La Cucur, PappaRich, Teh Tarik Place and The Chicken Rice Shop; to western food such as Hoagies Hauz, Kenny Rogers ROASTERS, The Manhattan FISH MARKET, Paddington House of Pancakes and BUILT Custom Burgers. besides, there were also Korean, Japanese, Chinese and fusion dishes as B.bap Korean Food, Dubu Yo, Sushi Tei, Dolly Dim Sum, Franco, and The Gravy Factory. not forgetting, beverages and desserts offered by La Juiceria, Milkshake Factory. and Secret Recipe.

we had free transportation sponsored by Uber on the day of event with free rides to and fro from Nu Sentral. after a short briefing, we were all too excited to explore the eight-level shopping mall and eat our heart out at the participating F&B tenants' outlets.

each of us were given a passport and for every F&B outlet we have dined in at we are entitled for a stamp chop on our passport. the challenge of the day would be dining in maximum of twelve(12) F&B *outlets to get all the stampings* in about nine(9) hours time. which means we basically only have about 45 minutes averagely to dine in one outlet before moving on to another one. 

so you think working out at the gym is hardcore? i would say eating non-stop for nine hours is a real hardcore!!! find out my nine hours nom nom nom journey at Nu Sentral Shopping Mall..:)

outlet no.1 | Sushi Tei | CC.06

we were pretty excited to visit the first F&B outlet because we were all starving already and decided to pamper ourselves with some premium sushi. ordered an eighteen(18) pieces sushi platter thinking that these small bites would not take up much of our tummies's capacity. we probably spent too much time at this outlet that we totally forgot we have another eleven(11) more to go..:o

outlet no.2 | Franco | L3.06-07

immediately headed to the second restaurant and since we sort of wasted much time at the first stop we decided to grab a quick one here at Franco. ordered their Franco French Toast and Azuki Red Bean & Jelly under their signature desserts. it was only the second pit stop and we started to feel  our tummies filling up!!! definitely in need of a plan to strategize our visits.

outlet no.3 | The Manhattan FISH MARKET | L4.06

right after the second outlet i decided to call up to my cousins to join my nom nom adventure since two girls seem pretty impossible to eat up all twelves(12) outlets. i brought along another two(2) extra tummies to visit the third outlet, and it was just at the right time because it was lunch hour and both my cousins are pretty hungry. here we ordered another two(2) set meals to be shared among the four of us.

outlet no.4 | Paddington House of Pancakes | L4.11

after so many meals, the fuller we are the sleepier we get. we could definitely use a little sugar rush to keep us awake and go on for more food!!! we barely get to afford to order too much because we were not even half way from our mission. 

outlet no.5 | Dolly Dim Sum | LG.43

made the right choice to stop here for small bites. we were sort of very grateful that the menu prepared for us was in a small portion, which means we can save some space for the next stop!!!

outlet no.6 | Teh Tarik Place | LG.32

we were hoping the rest of the F&B outlets that we are about to visit serve similar portion as Dolly Dim Sum because we can barely put anymore food in!!! decided to hop to Teh Tarik Place betting that there will be roti canai for i was sort of craving for one *teehee*.

outlet no.7 | Secret Recipe | CC.05

how could we missed out the best cakes in town. time to pace down a little with some cakes and tea.

outlet no.8 | La Juiceria | LG.44

so happy that La Juiceria is one of the participating outlet for this event because we barely buy this on our own as this drink is too atas we refuse to want to spend on it *LOL*. chlorophyll water was the only flavour left to choose from as the rest of the flavours got chosen already. chlorophyll can be a good choice for us as we needed this to digest and detoxify at the same time.

outlet no.9 | La Cucur | LG.38

well, we probably kind of failed in our strategy planning as we were only left with all F&B outlets that serve heavy meals. mission impossible must go on, and decided to tackle the smaller eateries. that nostalgic feeling when you get to eat roti jala for the first time again *since primary school?*

 outlet no.10 | DubuYo | L4.04

after some break from some really heavy meals, i think we are good to go with main course for the last two outlets we are about to visit. we stopped at DubuYo for their set meals to be shared among us four. 

outlet no.11 | Haogies Hauz  | L5.11

always wanted to check out this F&B outlet because i was a little tempted by their sandwich melts. 

outlet no.12 | Milkshake Factory | L5.13

our final stop was at Milkshake Factory for their grab and go. we purposely saved this for the last as there is no dining in for this outlet, which means we can simply do a takeaway here. wise choice indeed for our tummies can barely accommodate any more food.


it was indeed a fun day spent at Nu Sentral. nine hours of non-stop eating was really adventurous. sounded like a mission impossible initially but who could have thought we made it!!! very filling, very fattening as well, but i must say it was really fun and enjoyable especially with the right companions..:)

Nu Sentral Official Website | Nu Sentral Facebook Page

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