
Foodmatters.me | Eating Healthy is Simple

by - Sunday, January 01, 2017

happy new year everyone!!! may 2017 brings good health to everyone!!! and so coincident the very first post of mine in 2017 is something related to our health.

we know that new year is when most people make their resolutions, and so i think this would be s great writeup to share today. so in case you are in the midst of writing down your 2017 resolution, do consider this is one - eating healthy.

sitting down for a leisurely meal at a full-service restaurant may sound like a healthier choice than grabbing a burger and fries at a drive-through. but is it really? it turns out that whenever we go out to eat, wherever that may be, we end up taking in an average of 200 more calories than eating at home because it is likely to consume more sodium and cholesterol.

it may sounds impossible for us working adults to commit to eating healthy for all three meals a day, but how about giving a try to eat at least one healthy meal a day?  

Foodmatters is on a very simple mission – to banish the negativity surrounding the concept of healthy eating and to make it accessible, affordable and absolutely delicious.

Foodmatters offers six(6) options daily (out of a range of 40) and you will never get tired of the array of nutritious options including healthy versions of tasty local dishes, unique fusion meals, mainstay Western and low-carb diet sensitive favourites. 

i was introduced to six(6) of their dishes; let's scroll down further to check them out.

[High Fibre] Mexican Bean Salad with Steak
a zesty and spicy protein-rich salad packed with high fibre and protein beans, nutritious raw vegetables that are high in vitamin content and lean grilled steak. the slices of juicy steak truly complement the vegetables in this dish. 

[Gluten Free] Ayam Percik
this boldly spiced boneless and skinless chicken breast, probably South East Asia's version of cajun chicken is baked and served with brown rice and fresh sautéed veggies. brown rice makes you stay fuller longer and helps to maintain a healthy body weight; while spinach is packed with phytonutrients and high in Vitamin K. 

this nourishing dish is suitable for people looking to eat a protein-rich meal.

[Fusion] Thai Red Rice Salad with Baked Chicken
this rice salad is tossed with a variety of fresh herbs and spices to give it a tasty zing. red rice is used in this dish as a good source of fiber; and lean chicken breast provides you with a whole load of protein. this protein dense meal is chock-full of nutrients and is light on the stomach but definitely will keep you satisfied throughout the day.

[Vegetarian] Vegetarian Quinoa Bibimbap
different types of vegetables as the main sorce of fiber and vitamin, a nicely fried sunny side up pairing with whole grain rice provides you with suffuecient energy to last throughout the day.

[Fusion] Spicy Tuna Wrap
the tuna with yogurt instead of mayonnaise for a more nutritious meal complete with a good dose of chili powder and some fresh vegetables for flavour. the first bite on it immediately taste the real chili aroma, but it did not get too spicy. this is served with a mixed salad on the side.

[Western] Mushroom & Spinach Crustless Quiche with Salad
probably one of my favourite dish of all. this crust-less quiche is made with mushroom and spinach is a high-protein and low calorie lunch option especially when served with a vitamin-rich salad. this is an ideal option for all our fitness friendly folk or people who are simply watching their weight.

Foodmaters offers a variety of subscription based payment in a monthly basis. buyers can select different subscription based on their needs. with a price point starting at RM10 per meal, you will be on your way to a healthier, more balanced lifestyle.

with American Fitness Professionals and Associates (AFPA) certified nutritionist Alexandra Prabaharan’s crafted recipes, you will be nourishing your body with wholesome sustenance that comes with calorie counts and nutritional information. 

so if you do have a thought to kick start your 2017 by eating a little more healthier, i am here to offer you a token of encouragement..:p

simply key in coupon code 
to enjoy 20% off on your first month subscription!!!
*code only valid till 11th January 2017*

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